Price Guide

Generally speaking, Spellbound Book Art folded book sculptures range from £50-£150 (with the vast majority being around £70-£90), but there are many variables determining the exact price.

All prices quoted take into consideration the complexity of the design, the amount of graphic design work required to come up with the artwork for the pattern, the amount of revisions you want me to do after I provide the initial set of designs, and then the estimated amount of time it will take to fold all of the necessary detail into each page.

Simple ‘initials in heart’ design

Standard designs require very little (if any) graphic design work beyond basic customisation, and include simple shapes or words, such as a plain heart, initials, numbers, short words etc. moving up to slightly more detailed but pre-designed layouts (eg. a wedding themed heart with the couple's name and wedding date inside). These would be priced at the lower end of the scale (approx £50-£70)

In contrast, bespoke book folding designs need varying amounts of graphic design work in order to produce a completely customised design which is tailored to the customers' exact specifications. These are priced at the higher end of the scale (approx £70-£150+), with the prices ascending in line with the amount of graphic design work required. These type of designs usually end up being very detailed and complex, which means that they also take a lot longer to fold too. Many of the more complex pre-designed layouts also fall into this category.

A completely bespoke ‘dragon and music’ themed book sculpture design

A completely bespoke ‘dragon and music’ themed book sculpture design

A completely bespoke mental health charity appreciation gift design

A completely bespoke family tree design, incorporating multiple family member names

Portraits of people or animals are very complex and time consuming to produce. They can be of one or more people (or animals) and can include text, such as a name, quote or short phrase.

Depending on complexity, they usually fall somewhere between £100 - £175, but the vast majority are around £125.

A gift I made for Captain Tom in celebration of his amazing NHS fundraising achievements and his 100th birthday!

A gift I made for Captain Tom in celebration of his amazing NHS fundraising achievements and his 100th birthday!

A special memorial book sculpture I designed for my nan, in loving memory of my late grandad

A special memorial book sculpture I designed for my nan, in loving memory of my late grandad

A multi portrait Neighbours themed book sculpture I designed to mark the show’s end

Along with the standard and bespoke book folding designs, I have several pre-designed book sculptures which can be 'reproduced' at a lower cost than if they were to be requested from scratch. This is because I have already done the graphic design work required to create the overall design of the patterns, so I do not have to account for as much additional labour. This applies to the templates, as well as any of my finished sculptures. If you have seen a design that you like in my gallery and would like the same one (either with or without basic customisation) it will cost less than if I had to design it from scratch for you. Please contact me if you’d like to discuss this further.

I tend to use my 'Made For Purpose' books for the majority of my book sculptures these days, especially complex designs (unless a pre-loved book is specifically requested) so I know exactly how many pages I will be working with, but it is worth noting that if a specific book is requested then this may also affect the price -  600 pages obviously takes twice as long to fold as 300 pages, so the quote will need to reflect this.

Exclusive ‘Alice In Wonderland’ themed book sculpture, designed and hand folded by Spellbound Book Art

Exclusive ‘Alice In Wonderland’ themed book sculpture, designed and hand folded by Spellbound Book Art