The Books

Which type of books does Spellbound Book Art use for book folding?

Owing to the fact I manually design and create every single one of my book folding patterns from scratch (utilising my background in graphic design, not by using generic pattern-making software like many other book folders do!) I am able to use virtually any book for my sculptures - just so long as they contain enough pages for the design to be clearly defined. I understand that people have different preferences when it comes to folded book art, so I now offer three main options for the design and creation of all of my book sculptures. 

PLEASE NOTE: I use my exclusive Spellbound Book Art 'Made For Purpose' books by default for the majority of my book folding projects, but you are of course free to request a pre-loved one or your own specific title if you prefer.

Click on the options below for more information about each of the types of book I can use for my book folding projects.